Summer Vibes with True Naturals

Summer is here! Its warm days and long evenings encourage us to live fully, embrace spontaneity, and find happiness in the simple pleasures of life. At True Naturals, it’s one of our favorite seasons and a welcome reminder to step outside, embrace our friends, and breathe in the restoring beauty of nature. Here are some of our favorite ways to enjoy the season.

Moving Meditation

Long, vibrant days beckon us outdoors and embody a spirit of freedom and adventure. In our fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility can be challenging, but the simple act of walking through nature serves as a moving meditation and a natural antidote to the stress and fatigue of modern life. Here in California, we love walks along chaparral-covered ocean cliffs, where the sea breeze brings a refreshing kiss of cooler air. Torrey Pines, Bluffs Beach Trail at San Onofre, and Garrapata State Park trails are some of our all-time favorites. As we stroll through these rejuvenating natural spaces, Coast Deodorant and Happy Body Anti-chafing Cream keep us fresh and dry so we can focus on the beauty around us.

Al Fresco Dining

At the height of summer, farmers’ markets overflow with fruits and vegetables at peak ripeness, inspiring simple salads and elaborate feasts to celebrate the flavors of the season. Longer days mean brighter evenings, and dining outside is the perfect way to combine the pleasures of great food, fresh air, and good company. It’s a simple yet enriching way to enjoy the season, fostering physical health, mental well-being, and social connection, and we recommend starting with these delicious Cucumber, Watermelon and Feta Bites from Sweet Recipeas. Even better, our Protected Earth Spray and Diffusing Oil will keep away any pesky bugs so you can enjoy your meal without unwanted guests. So set up a table outside, gather your loved ones, and savor the delightful experience of dining al fresco.

Read A Great Book

Reading is more than just a pastime; in our fast-paced, digital world, attention spans are shrinking and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things competing for our focus. Immersing yourself in a good book can transport you to different worlds, providing a mental break and reducing stress levels. It helps you relax and unwind, promoting overall well-being.

For a mental reset, we reach for anything by Byron Katie, especially A Thousand Names For Joy.

Replenish Your Skin

With all the time spent outside this season, it’s more important than ever to take care of our skin. Hot summer air dehydrates, and sweat and excess oil can clog pores. We start with Sudsy Earth to cleanse, followed by Summer Earth Body Oil and Summer Earth Body Butter to replenish the skin’s moisture. For an exfoliating and rejuvenating boost, we love Summer Earth Exfoliating Body Scrub with its moisturizing power of pineapple and coconut.

Savor The Moment

Nothing says summer like a pina colada, and the scent of pineapples and coconut by the ocean. Even if you live far from the sea, Summer Earth Diffusing Oil brings this feeling to all your spaces, and reminds you that embracing the beauty of summer means savoring its moments, both big and small. It’s in the laughter shared with loved ones, the taste of an ice cream cone on a hot day, the feel of grass underfoot, and the sight of a brilliant sunset. Summer invites us to slow down, appreciate the present, and immerse ourselves in the natural beauty that surrounds us.


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